Bajra Weekly - Keep Calm and Blog On

Getting Started with Bajra Weekly

  • Fork the repo Bajra Weekly to your github account
  • Clone the repo from your account and create a new relevant branch
  • To create a new post, all you need to do is create a file in the _posts directory
  • Bajra Weekly requires blog post files to be named according to the following format:

  • Write your blog in previously created file. It is motivated to write your blogs on markdown
  • Include following line in the file before writing the content of the post

    layout: post
    comments: true
    title: <title of the post>
    author: <your name>
    nickname: <nickname(include nickname.jpg file in public/images/author/ directory)>
    tags: <tags>
    coverimg: <coverimg (include coverimg.jpg file in public/images/posts/ directory)>


    2016-09-07-Getting Started with Bajra
    layout: post
    comments: true
    title: Getting Started with Bajra Weekly
    author: Ankur Maharjan
    nickname: ankur
    tags: sample blog
    coverimg: bajra
    The content of the post goes here.
  • Once you are done, you can push it to your repo
  • Then submit your pull request to the master branch of repo bajratech/ from your github repo
  • And lastly, inform Loomila Hada for verification