Bajra Weekly - Keep Calm and Blog On

Bajra Weekly, Site Granny Upgrade, Xamarin Android, New Member, Sublime Text 3

Hello Everyone, what’s on this weekend?

Here at Bajra, we have started weekly blogging, which has excited me to blog more. Today I am going to share my views and experiences in this blog. Firstly, thanks to all of our BajraBeings for providing this awesome platform to share our knowledge and experiences, and resuming our habit of writing.

Site Granny
As we know Bajra has released it’s own product Site Granny , it was built on Rails 4, now it has been upgraded to Rails 5 with a new feature Action Cable for web socket implementation.

Site Granny

Beta Site Granny

Welcome Back
Our loving bro, Sajan daii, returned after a long leave. We all were missing him. Let us again fill the Bajra life with fun.

New BajraBeing
We have a new BajraBeing at Bajra from this month. He is Ashwin Gurung. Let’s hope for his better future.

Xamarin Android
After waiting for a long time, I got a chance to learn Android on Xamarin. Studying new technical courses excites me. I am very happy to learn Android. I suggest all of my technical buddies to study mobile development as this world is going to be in our pocket in the future. Here I am sharing guides and tutorials to learn Android on Xamarin. With Xamarin, we can develop Android, iOS and Windows apps. For Android, please read the following guides, which will give you all the concepts of:

  1. Android Guide for Xamarin
  2. Android Video Tutorial on Youtube


Sublime Text 3
Yesterday, Sublime Text 3 was released with new features. As a developer, I thought it should be included in this blog. Features: 1. Build errors are now shown inline, at the location the error occurred. This is done via the new Phantoms API, which allows HTML annotations to be added to the text buffer by plugins.

Sublime Build Error

Inline Build Error

  1. Show Definition, which will show where a symbol is defined when hovering over it with the mouse.
Sublime Definition

Sublime Definition

To know more new features of Sublime Text 3

Thank You Everyone!