Bajra Weekly - Keep Calm and Blog On

Bajra Weekly, Birthday, Friday fun

Another Friday is here, a little bit special because it’s the last Friday of September and the end of another good week here at Bajra. It has been a really exciting week for all of us.

Let’s start with the Friday fun activity. Ayush Bati and Santosh Sah organized a game Ping-Pong ball throw-catch. It was exciting and fun and we all enjoyed it a lot. The game was intended for refreshment and to build communication among members.

First winner team

First winner team

Second winner team

Second winner team

Third winner team

Third winner team

We also celebrated Ashok (The Great) dai’s birthday this week. Warm birthday wishes to our dearest Ashok dai! You are a year older now but I think turning one year old is AWESOME! :D Ashok dai's Birthday

Here’s all of us wishing you great years ahead filled with happiness and success.

Internet of Things

Our IoT team were doing a research on different IoT Platforms (Kaa IoT, AWS IoT, Azure IoT) and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about their power and potentials. It is indeed an interesting topic to go through. You guys should definitely check it out during your spare time. It’s been told that by 2020, 20 billion devices will be connected to the IoT.

That would be all for this week… Happy Weekends people!