Bajra Weekly - Keep Calm and Blog On

Bajra-Weekly Happy-Dashain

“K ho dai tyo? Dhukkai le yeta ho yeta!” 

Imagine this line in the voice of our Sajan dai. He said this everytime the guy in green brought food. And then, after everybody was almost full,

“Euta chai yeta ho baaaki sab uta!” 

was another popular line from some other Bajra Beings who were showing their immense generosity and maybe love (no homo ‘Sushant - The Gariiib’) towards fellow Bajra Beings; note the word ‘AFTER’ in the beginning of this sentence. That’s basically how our Friday team lunch goes everytime and this time at BOTA was no exception. So, it was a nice team lunch eventually and it’d have been even nicer if Loomila hadn’t dropped her chicken wings onto my pants, but nevermind…


Bajra Lunch at Bota

Well, this is a weekly blog I was supposed to write but then I don’t really have anything so interesting to share about. One thing worth mentioning though is Sushant – The Gariiib‘s Theory about Team Win. He was actually proposing a theory which stated that swapping one of our Militia team (blue) members – Pushpanjali aka I Hate Tears with the enemy team (yellow) could make some difference in the win streak. Results are yet to be known but I have a feeling that swapping the theory-proposer himself could somehow make a difference. No offence! Militia at Bajra is the only time that I find losing to be interesting as well. The other thing that I cannot stop myself from telling are my new Futsal Shoes and maybe now I can run and play like ‘Shivesh dai’ by putting them on. Man, it’s a dream of every Bajra Being (who plays futsal) to be able to play like him. JK! :D

And as usual, our dearest HR Sandesh dai was still making excuses for not playing futsal with us this week. Suman dai told me that he’s been doing this for a year now. What’s more annoying is that he’s ever-ready for swimming but not futsal. Damn! How could he??? “Aaja kya garmi xa voli swimming jam hai?” He was telling this to everyone the day before. Haha! Let us hope to see him play at least after this blog post today else the next time I and he are in the same pool, just imagine! :P Also, I should actually thank Bhaskar dai for the great guavas he brought. P.S I had two of them.


His Excuses

With all those said and vibes of Dashain all over the air, it’s time we enjoy the holidays. Most of the Bajra Beings will be traveling and the ones who aren’t will be enjoying the empty roads of Kathmandu maybe? Nevertheless, it is a matter to be overwhelmed. The charm, the environment, the surroundings and people make sense. Eventually, may LUCK be in favor of everybody. I’d like to see sunburned skins because of flying kites and I’d love to hear success stories about the card games after these holidays.


