Bajra Weekly - Keep Calm and Blog On

Bajra Weekly, Futsal, Friday fun, Tihar

3 Database SQL walked into the NoSQL bar. A little while later.. they walked out.

–Because they couldn’t find a table

Just trying to grab all of your attention with a humor. Your bad if you didn’t get the joke. :D

Just like the other Friday Fun activities, last Friday’s fun activity was also too much fun, hosted by Suman Dhakal dai and Milan dai. Though the game looked too simple, it was too hard to play. We were supposed to make geometric shapes as said with a rope being blindfolded. Then we had team meeting to make a strategy for team-win. But, in the meeting, there were two outsiders- “Dhurba” & “Aayush”. We were unaware about them. They heard all our strategies, used it, won the first round and even went through to the Finals only to lose. Haha!

Cheater Team

Cheater Team

Somewhat Winners!!

Somewhat Winners!!

Everybody knew who the winner was. We lost the game, so I don’t wanna talk about it. After lots of theories and practicals and maths and calculations, I still don’t understand why we lost. Even the perfect square from geometry couldn’t have beaten us. Apart from this, at Final round, Ankur bro’s team had perfect Right Angled Triangle but they also lost. I still don’t get this logic.

Likewise, another fun day of the weekend is Futsal Day. Football is Life, Football is Love Last Friday’s Futsal had an intense battle, goals scored everywhere and scores were crazy. (26 -18 ) The final score of the match. It’s not about the winning and losing, it’s all about entertainment & having fun but we won the match eventually. :D

Cheater Team


Too bad that we won’t be going for lunch this Friday. But, there’s PIZZA PARTY today and it’s more than good. I guess everyone is waiting for it. Sandesh dai told us to make a group of 3 and each group shall order 2 pizzas. But, I and Sushant were so cunning (like a fox) and made a MasterPlan (Haku Kale’s accent) to make our group of only 2. Damn! we succeeded. Can’t wait for the P-I-Z-Z-A.

Days of Celebration and Happiness and Lights and Flowers is here. Wishing everybody Happy Tihar and >ने. स. ११३७ या लसत्या सकल नेपा:मि पिन्त न्हुदँया भिन्तुना

May this festival bring happiness, lots of love and make your life bright like those lights. HAPPY TIHAR!