Bajra Weekly - Keep Calm and Blog On

My Experiences at Bajra

From the childhood days, I have been recognized as a passionate learner amongst my friends. I am always enticed by the idea of portraying new innovations and creativity in everything I do. Art and writing poems used to be my hobby before I understood the beauty of programming. I believe today’s era is full of two groups of people; one- who get fascinated by the growth of technological innovations and next- who actually thrive to make that happen. Honestly, I feel really glad to be the part of second group. Hello Everyone, this is me, Samira Sharma, a dreamer and an obsessed learner.

On the first day, I remember walking into Bajra, a bit nervous but with lots of hopes and expectations. In all these months, I have memories of leaving office with a smile on face, happy that I get something new to learn everyday. The best part of Bajra is its productive work environment. We work in a team and put our best to give a required outcome. No project gets completed without facing tons of issues but I find my seniors providing proper guidance and correcting the mistakes in every step of the way. This gives me the motivation to work harder and perform even better. Working on a project here is a gratifying experience and I love every part of it. I have felt a big personal growth in these few months.

Bajra Family

Bajra Family

Being in Bajra is like getting happiness in the same package. Few weeks after I joined, I got the chance to be a part of Bandipur trip. Well, that trip was not only about roaming around and getting along with everyone but also gave me an opportunity of experiencing cave rappelling which was one of my biggest wishes. Apart from coding, we do different interactive activities during our leisure times. Whether it be indoor mobile games, caromboard or Friday fun activity, we always have a great time together. Moreover, the conversation we have during the lunch time is the next most interesting part. Let’s not get the delusions that we discuss only about the new releases of the technical fields, we find completely new topics to talk about everyday- sometimes spiritual, sometimes about the outing sites and sometimes about the personal experiences. Should I forget to mention the lunch and snacks? No, definitely not. I must say we are served with the most hygienic and appetizing food.

Bandipur Visit

Gaming Zone

Gaming Zone

I have learned a lot of beneficial things from my colleagues and seniors. Useful advices I get from them has proven to be beyond helpful. Altogether, I feel really contented to be a part of Bajra Team and believe that there is always a lot to look forward to.